====== Rust cheatlist ======
===== Cargo =====
* ''cargo new project_name'': Initializes a new Rust project named //project_name// in the current directory.
* ''cargo build'': Build program without optimizations. Output is stored in //./target/debug//.
* ''cargo build –release'': Build program with runtime optimizations. Output is stored in //./target/release//.
===== Data types =====
* Scalar types:
* Integer: Internally represented in 2-components notation when signed (-(2n ) -> 2n -1)
* Floating point: ''f32'', ''f64''
* Boolean: ''bool''
* Character: ''char''
* Compound types
* Tuple: Fixed size (defined at declaration), elements may differ in type
* ''let tup: (i32, f64, u8) = (500, 6.4, 1);''
* Values can be retrieved by either pattern matching: ''let (x, y, z) = tup; %%//%% x, y and z are now accessible as variables'' or by using a period ''let x = tup.0;''
* Array: Fixed size, elements should be of the same type
* ''let a = [1, 2, 3];''
* ''let a: [f64; 3] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];''
* ''let a = [0; 5];'': Creates an array of size 5 with all elements initialized to 0
* ''let first = a[0];'': Accessing elements of array
* ''for element in a.iter() { … }'': Iterates over elements in array
* Rust panics on index out of bounds situations
===== Variables =====
* ''let foo = bar;'': Creates immutable variable ''foo'' and assigns it value ''bar''.
* ''let mut foo = bar;'': Creates mutable variable ''foo'' and assigns it value ''bar''.
* ''let foo: type = false;'': Creates immutable variable ''foo%'' with explicit type definition.
===== Functions =====
* ''fn function_name() { … }''
* ''fn function_name(x: i32, y: char) { … }'': Parameterized function
* ''fn function_name(x: i32) → i32 { … }'': Function with return value. Returned value is last evaluated expression of the function body.
===== Terminology =====
* Associated function: function implemented on a type rather than on a particular instance of the type. Similar as a //static method// in Java.
* Destructing: splitting a tuple in individual parts by pattern matching
* Expression: instructions that evaluate to a resulting value. No semicolon at end of line!
* Macro:
* Prelude:
* Statement: instructions that do not return a value
* Trait:
===== Syntax =====
* ''&var'': Passes ''var'' as a reference. Allows a function to access a variable without the need to copy it to the function's stack.
* ''&mut var'': Passes ''var'' as a mutable reference. Allows a function to access and alter the variable's value.